It is time to take off the "kid gloves" and speculate on another "superman" from the PEDs era; one of the only ones left not to be directly linked to doping and PEDs despite an enormous amount of circumstantial evidence that is usually ignored by the Corporate Media.

Tiger Woods, another media darling (and Nike and Gillete "star" spokesman), got the "kid gloves" treatment in all matters in his life by the Press for over a decade until his infidelity came out last December. Now, what would have been minor or shelved stories about his connections to Dr. Galea (HGH), PRP injections and doping are rampant. Would any of his activities have come out so forcefully if not for that incident last December? I doubt it. The media wanted to put him on a pedestal until they were forced to do otherwise. Now he is a target, and nefarious doping and treatment reports are being validated relentlessly because he is no longer viewed mindlessly as a saintly "good guy".
It seems "taboo" nowadays to speculate on Roger and doping anywhere else on the web, so I offer this blog for serious and whimsical debate on circumstantial or direct evidence on that issue. If one investigates thoroughly, they can easily find that the legitimacy of his "superman" performances have been seriously questioned, and he has some dubious connections, just like all the rest in this era. The German, Belgian and French presses seem to take the lead in asking the really tough questions as usual.
What other conclusion can one make? This pains me to say this as a Roger fan, but Federer is doping.
ReplyDeleteGiven the history of doping in sport, I am naturally suspicious nowadays of all elite sportsmen.
ReplyDeleteI am a Fed fan, and I think Roger is doping. I thought Roger was better than this.
Wow that pic is a little weird. First time I have seen Fed with such defined musculature.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he is using PEDs now?
I'm a massive Federer fan, but I'm not biased. After looking at that picture, I have to admit he might be doping.
ReplyDeleteWho knows, he may be on PEDs?
That Federer pic has left me stunned. It is now abundantly clear that he is a doper as well.
ReplyDeleteTennis needs to make a statement by stripping Federer of all his records, titles and money.
ReplyDeleteWell if Roger is indeed using PEDs now, I don't blame him. He played fairly with his pure talent for years, but now that he is older he has no choice if he wants to remain competitive among the rest of the users at top of the game.
ReplyDelete@2:59, if you admit Roger may be doping now, how can you be so sure that he didn't use PEDs during his glory years?
ReplyDeleteAfter all, certain forms of blood doping don't result in bigger muscles, but they increase stamina and speed.
Maybe he used drugs then, but he is using muscle defining drugs now due to his age?
I'm a massive Federer fan, but I'm not biased.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that he does have noticeably bigger muscles in that pic than usual. And the muscles look to have all the signs of stacked steroids....they are unnatural.
I like this blog.
ReplyDeleteEntertaining as :-)
To anyone who is convinced lots of tennis players are taking PED's while Roger is not: there's a flaw in your logic.
ReplyDeleteHe won so many slams and has been the Nr. 1 for such a long time. Does that mean he played and won clean against dopers? They should ask for their money back then. Wow, Roger must be superman, winning against all those doped guys.
A bit naive, don't you think.
"To anyone who is convinced lots of tennis players are taking PED's while Roger is not: there's a flaw in your logic."
ReplyDeleteConcerning Roger it's natural talent, a gift of god, while Rafa completely relies on pharmaceutical support (like the devil himself)
It could be that way, but there's no reliable investigation on that topic.
"there's a flaw in your logic"
ReplyDeleteBe careful, there's a hunter of "your evidence is flawed"-guys around.
@Anon 4:33
ReplyDeleteThanks! Since discussing Roger being a doper is basically censored in all Forums and blogs, while the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that he is doper of the highest magnitude (Read the French press for past 5 years), the idea of this blog is to allow people to discuss an important topic on their mind.
A few years ago, people were pummeled and ignored for suggesting Lance Armstrong was a doper. If you go to the Cycling News Forum now, it is the #1 topic.
There is a new Fed Fan today, maybe similar to the Fedal fan movement. They realize:
1. Roger has been their favorite player for years.
2. Roger is a doping cheat.
This fan segment needs an outlet to express their truth.
After looking at that picture, any unbiased observer has to conclude that Roger is doping.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am actually a Roger fan.
Hi there, lawyer guy.
ReplyDeleteThe Federer fans that have been disclosing some open-mindedness and disappointment towards Roger's doping cannot by law be forced to open themselves up to ridicule by the Fedtards that demand ominpotent control of their fandom.
These Fed fans have the right to express their opinions without pressure or harm to their character for disclosing their true feelings that Roger has been doping so he can cheat to win.
I assume fans of other players are also welcome to weigh in on the circumstantial evidence surrounding Federer and doping?
I am a huge Federer fan. But after seeing the evidence posted here, I cannot deny it, he is a doper.
ReplyDeleteHe should be banned and stripped of all his titles and prize money.
"Be careful, there's a hunter of "your evidence is flawed"-guys around."
In 2008 after Wimbledon, Federer was losing to Simon, Karlovic and Blake. He was struggling to win a match.
Suddenly out of the blue he wins the US Open, beating Djokovic and Murray on the way. None of the experts felt he would win the tournament, but he did.
Clear circumstantial evidence that he doped to win the US Open.
If you've ever had mononucleosis, you'd understand WHY he lost a lot in early to mid 2008. Mono stays with you for months and it's a tough illness to come back from. Even if Fed was "over" his bout of mono in say May, he would not have been fully fit until September/October.
DeleteNone of the experts thought he would because he WAS coming back from mono. Any other "theories"?
First of all I must say that I am a big Roger fan.
ReplyDeleteBut unlike others on this site , I am not biased. I have to admit it after seeing the evidence, Roger is a doper.
He should be suspended.
How come I've already read some of the comments here?
ReplyDeleteIs it "circumstantial evidence" that there's deception or that there are really suspicious fans around?
We will never know.
Well when his own fans are admitting that he is doping, then it is very clear that Federer is guilty.
ReplyDeleteThe ITF needs to take action against him.
I am a first time visitor to this site. Like many other Federer fans who have posted recently, I too am shocked to find out that Roger is also a doper.
ReplyDeleteHe has lost all the respect and adoration I had for him.
I hope he is banned from the sport asap.
Great blog! Finally someone is brave enough to address this delicate issue.
ReplyDeleteI am also a Roger fan who is now convinced he is doping. I feel so betrayed after finding out that Roger is also a doper.
ReplyDeleteATP should ban him!
ReplyDeleteAnon@4:41 wrote:
ReplyDelete"Concerning Roger it's natural talent, a gift of god, while Rafa completely relies on pharmaceutical support (like the devil himself)
It could be that way, but there's no reliable investigation on that topic."
The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that Federer has been doping. I will have absolutely no problems finding great articles and pictures; the difficulty will be discerning the best ones at the best times.
The French media recently were writing about Fed being doped and Nadal being above suspicion. They seem to take the opposite viewpoint of many Fed Fans in Denial. I'll post one of those articles shortly.
"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."
Mark Twain
First of all I must say that I am a big Roger fan.
ReplyDeleteBut unlike others on this site , I am not biased. I have to admit it after seeing the evidence, Roger is a doper.
He should be suspended.
As a Roger fan, I've never felt so empty. How could he do this?
ReplyDeleteHe should be banned for doping.
Federer has been using dope since 2003 to increase his endurance/stamina which hindered his progress pre 2003. Before he started doping, he used to struggle to play 7 matches in slams and come through 5 setters. That was no longer an issue after he started doping.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit worried Federer cares about this blog's claim.
ReplyDeleteYou want some more evidence, RFID?
ReplyDeleteLook closely at the Basel pic that headlines your blog, where Federer's muscles are weirdly defined.
More importantly, look at Federer's results from 2007 - 2009. He plays like crap outside slams, but somehow reaches every slam final. Clear sign of doping.
Even better, look at his pre and post Wimbledon results this year.
He reached 3 finals this year until the end of Wimbledon. Since Wimby, he has reached 4 finals in 5 tournaments and a semi in the other. Your picture showing his bulk from March to August clearly fits with his results. Another clear sign of doping to get the no.1 ranking back, which he has stated is now a priority.
I am an outraged Federer fan. I didn't realise that Federer used steroids until I saw the photograph of him at the Swiss Indoors. I made my mind up then and there that he had to be doping and I wouldn't support him anymore. It's like after all these years I hadn't seen him properly, till I saw that one photograph. That was enough evidence for me. I mean, what else do we need? Does anyone else feel the same way? (outraged, I mean.)
ReplyDeletePlease read the this article from "We Love Tennis" in France. I think many American readers would be surprised that Switzerland has been seen as a "suspect" country in Sports for some time now and that Rafael Nadal was not ocnsidered "suspicious" in 2008.
Some excerpts:
"Of course the physical nature of Federer did not help. For years everyone did a face with a knowing look when looking at the huge calves the man from Switzerland was displaying at the entrance of the court. It was alleged that he proudly showed off those calves to intimidate the adversary at the toss.
Tennis is a game based primarily on speed and leg drive at the moment of ball impact, it is clear in any case that there was an explosion of muscular calves for Federer in his junior year, and its arrival on the senior circuit had been written a lot of ink.
Angered by the atmosphere of suspicion fueled by journalists, the world's No. 1 had also ended up cracking at a press conference, and became famous for the constant nastiness swung towards his great rival of the moment, "Nadal has bigger calves than me, but ask yourself why he wears a cropped trousers." Nadal, when asked by Spanish newspaper Marca on his way to the beach with the gauchos in question, had preferred not to comment on this statement.
It must be said that the Majorcan was above all suspicion for years. Coming from a country untouched by the culture of doping, as opposed to Switzerland where highly secretive maintained doping Statesmen protected many, as was revealed with the career ending drama of a great hope in Martina Hingis. Rafael Nadal had been growing quite steady in performance, but with some important victories sprinkled in the calendar, many quarters finals in Grand Slams and cons, admittedly, a real supremacy on clay.
Oh sure we had raised the issue of the musculature of his left arm, the one that carries the bag, especially as Rafael loves to wear low-cut tank tops as that was trendy, compared to Federer, whom many have noted did not train very hard to develop his muscular calves.
The controversy as discussed, and repeated once again is that tennis was before all about the strength in the legs and Gustavo Kuerten in his time had indeed developed the shot as murderer of the circuit with the upper body of a refugee Biafra.
Despite the growing number of doping controls, the results, like it or not, remain opaque. A reminder: since 1 January this year, the International Federation organizes all doping tests in tennis. All controls that are done in tennis are the responsibility of the International Federation, whether both ATP, WTA, Grand Slams or the Davis Cup and Fed Cup. All these controls are tested and sent to the laboratory in Montreal. So there is a coherence and consistency in all controls.
The implication of the matter is that Chatenay-Malabry laboratory, which is, with a lot of great athletes singled out, has a tainted reputation that may fatally destroy a federation wishing to preserve its image and that of its best representatives. And this is all run and enforced by the ITF. With the ITF running the testing, anything is possible ...including that Federer is doped."
I'm a Federer fan, but I think he is a doper.
ReplyDeleteI would be very curious to know what the World Anti-Doping Agency thinks about performance enhancing drugs like EPO - HGH. These in particular due to difficulties in testing have not been properly controlled in tennis for the last 25 years.
ReplyDeleteEPO for example provides an undetectable boost of up to 50 percent in athletic performance! (24 hrs after injected is undetectable!)
However it is totally irrelevant that a study by Yale University scientists and other studies revealed that EPO 'Under heavy usage the individual develops anemia as a result of the body’s reaction against repeated EPO injections.'
In clinical studies since 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine Thirteen such cases were described by Casadevall et al conclude, 'Evidence indicates that recombinant EPO can induce pure red cell aplasia.' Pure Red Cell Aplasia!
It also proves absolutely nothing that other studies conclude that mononucleosis is a form of blood anemia and or aplasia.
The Federer (and possibly Roddick and Mario Ancic) case of mononucleosis in tennis, was probably due to the use of EPO. Other Tennis players who have recently developed mononucleosis since the EPO era include:
Quite a long list for an illness that is only caught by 1 out of 2000 people; mostly in their teens.
Another humorous blog:
ReplyDeleteThanks to Natalie and Anon at 12:02 for their article and written contributions. My comments on both:
ReplyDeleteNatalie's article
-It is quite a paradox reading an article stating reporters in France are highly aware of Fed's calves being pumped up, and that Tennis is a Sport where power comes from the legs. Many people focus on Nadal only because of his biceps, but that is a partial distraction from the real issue and helps to maintain willfull ignorance about Fed's doping.
I'm assuming the authorities are quite happy to have fans on a wild goose chase ignoring Fed's power because his biceps aren't huge (although oddly muscular in recent pics). That same article describes how Fed put out those rumours on Rafa himself to get attention focused away from his irregular calves. It worked like a charm. It would be great to re-educate people on the importance of muscle development in the legs and then have them look at the Sport for signs of PEDs again with a new perspective.
Anon's written research:
I would like to post this piece as a separate Post for study and commentary at some point if you don't mind.
The correspondance between EPO usage and Mono, and the fact 1/2000 people get mono whereas Tennis players (notably Fed) get it constantly (and in their 20's instead of teens) is undeniable. Where there is smoke, there usually is fire.
I'm a Federer fan, and I feel so betrayed having found out that he is a doper. Thanks for the pics, analytical news articles and EPO/mono linkage. It is all crystal clear for me now, and I've been a massive Fed fan for 7 years.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! And I'll be happy to contribute a ton of other European articles on Roger's darker side if you like. The Press doesn't treat him as untouchable over here, and even the persona he projects is not that angelic.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather people be fans and know the truth, instead of being worshipers manipulated by a highly compromised fluff press selling stories cooked up by insider marketing.
@Anon at 12:32
ReplyDeleteI love that site:
Any chance the author creates a second post? It has been awhile since his classic first entry.
The author regularly posts on THASP's blog. You may adress him there, or wait for him to arrive here.
ReplyDelete@Anon 13:07
ReplyDeleteI laughed the first time they posted it and didn't think they would carry it any further, although I admit I checked it several times to see if they would. So I realize it is doubtful they will. Anyway, even though they were being flippant making a humorous point on blogs, it was quite clever and made me laugh.
I am a Federer fan, but he is a doper. I'm surprised that there are so many others like me.
ReplyDeleteFederer has exhibited enough lewd and vicious behavior to easily destroy his "pure" image. It seems to me that half the time I am reading what a self-less person he is, while his actual actions and words are despicable. As an example, remember when this story broke out, but none of the Journos followed up on it:
Four ballboys have come forward with allegations that they were subjected to a lewd display by five-time Wimbledon champion Roger Federer, Scotland Yard has confirmed. Two hours after his thrilling five-set triumph over Rafael Nadal, sources close to the investigation say, Federer invited the youngsters to the men's locker room for what he termed a "private party." Upon arriving, the boys found the Swiss tennis great eating a heaping bowl of strawberries and cream and wearing nothing but his trademark monogrammed blazer and a light-blue Nike headband.
—the Daily Mirror, Aug. 2, 2007
If he would do something that perverse, I don't believe doping and lying about it would be a problem for his conscience.
picture is your evidence, what a load of crap and Natalie keeps posting the same shit. Seems like a one man army with same bullshit. Even I can looked toned when strained. is my site visit mine
ReplyDeleteThis is a rediculous blog. A few pictures does NOT prove anything. The guy is an athlete. Working out is part of his job. I work out on a semi-regular basis and play sports and i have as much or more definition as he does in these pictures. He is 6'1 and weighs 185lbs. By no means is he carrying any extra muscle. He is lean and fit but that is pretty much where the arguement ends.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke!!
Must admit I was a bit shocked when I read that alleged Slate article about the ballboys, so I clicked on the link.
ReplyDeleteFYI to anybody reading the above, it's a JOKE. Other "stories" include that there are photos around of Jesse Owens eating sauerkraut w/ Hitler and other silly stuff. The first few stories, like about Michael Vick are real; the rest is an obvious spoof, trying to be funny.
Rafael Nadal fans are funny as heck.
ReplyDeleteYou guys know RAFA is the KING OF DOPING, and now you are trying to muddy the waters with Roger.
If was was NO DOPER why was he upset when the ANTI-DOPING AGENCY suprised him with a visit in 2008 ?
RAFA complains because he is afraid that he will be caught. AND HE WILL BE CAUGHT SOONER OR LATER! Or else, the drugs will simply destroy his knees, shoulders, and his "famous ass."
The comments on this blog are amazing. Surely the usage of PED's in sport should be of constant and thorough scrutiny with the harshest of penalties for those that are found guilty. At the same time, I call foul making claims of guiltiness based on a couple pictures and the idea the grand slam 'cycling' argument. Proper, random testing by a truly independent body alongside with harsh penalty (like banning from the sport, or loss of titles) is the only way to clean up sports.
ReplyDeletewhile i love the sport of tennis and regularly enjoy watching federer, nadal, not to mention the personality and tenacity of monfils, murray etc - the many 'anonymous' comments above are as scandalous themselves as the reality of a guilty sports star not being caught. Looking at the writing style and similarity of the 'anonymous' comments, I suspect they are likely written by one angry writer looking to draw attention to his blog by throwing mud at the most attention grabbing place possible.
my only hope is that the people that care about this issue focus their energy not solely on defaming legends, (which may be part of the process if indeed there proves to be a doping problem) but instead on inspiring the appropriate changes in the tennis world to create a future where doping isn't possible.
Hi Steve,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your dignified critical response. It is good to hear from all sides on this issue. I love what you wrote here:
"Surely the usage of PED's in sport should be of constant and thorough scrutiny with the harshest of penalties for those that are found guilty."
"Proper, random testing by a truly independent body alongside with harsh penalty (like banning from the sport, or loss of titles) is the only way to clean up sports."
I agree 100%.
"my only hope is that the people that care about this issue focus their energy not solely on defaming legends, (which may be part of the process if indeed there proves to be a doping problem) but instead on inspiring the appropriate changes in the tennis world to create a future where doping isn't possible."
I believe this is the only website where one can discuss Roger Federer and doping. To my knowledge, he is the only player that receives the royalty of censorship in this regard on all other websites. Your "ideal" is analogous to my own. I hope to play a part in getting us there. If I don't state that as the subject matter, it won't be analyzed and discussed. And since the censorship has created this huge void of discussion, this singular subject matter has bountiful avenues to explore.
ReplyDeleteReading the comments on this post is hilarious.
Fed Fanatic, how many of these "anonymous" comments have you written yourself?
The wording in each one is almost EXACTLY the same!
Well, I guess it's an easy way to create the illusion that people agree with you. :D
1.) Doping with EPO increases the number of red blood cells, which increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which improves performance and decreases fatigue. It does NOT effect muscle structure or development.
2.) Muscle structure or development does not provide evidence for anabolic doping. There is no "tell-tale sign" of doping that can be discerned from a photograph. The fact that you claim this shows you know nothing about the science behind doping.
3.) "Power" in tennis doesn't just come from muscle strength. At least as much comes from technique and timing (see Davydenko, who weighs less than 160 lbs).
4.) The main way doping could help a guy like Federer is to shorten his recovery time between hard matches, which is NOT something that can be shown in photographs like these.
The only thing I see in those photos is a wiry guy with well-defined muscles due to low body fat and 12 years of hard miles on the pro tour.
If you can come up with medical or legal proof that he is doping, then I'll listen.
But these photographs are a joke.
2/7/09 4:37 AM | Ricky Dimon
Roger Federer approves of the new doping rules in tennis. His opinion on the issue, however, differs from those of both Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray.
Roger Federer gave his approval to the International Tennis Federation's new and more stringent doping rules this week.
The new policy states that all players must provide an hour of the day, for all 365 days of the year, in which they reveal their whereabouts and agree to be prepared for a random test. For Federer, it's OK by him if that's what has to be done.
"You're not going to catch them," Federer said of the potential dopers, "by ringing up and saying, 'Look, I'd like to test you maybe in two days. The guy is cheating and they are smart, right?"
At the same time, however, Federer admitted that the system is much different now. "It's a tough system and a significant change to what we were used to before, so I think it takes some getting used to it," he explained. "But this is how you're going to catch them. It is an hour a day. I know it's a pain, but I would like it to be a clean sport, so I'm OK with it."
Among those against the new rules are Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray. Nadal voiced his displeasure during the Australian Open, and Murray chimed in on the matter earlier this week.
The fourth-ranked Scot was apparently tested at 7 AM last week. "The official insisted on watching me provide the sample--literally with my trousers around my ankles--then insisted I wrote down my home address, even though he was at my private home at 7 AM," he said. "The new rules are draconian."
If RAFA is so clean, WHY is he against stringent testing? Read on below for yourselves...
Staff - 30 May 2009
Four time reigning French Open champion Rafael Nadal launched a scathing attack on world sport's controversial new doping rules claiming top tennis players were being "harassed" by testers.
Nadal said he was paid his latest visit by testers when he was at home in Madrid last week.
"I was with my friends. Then I had a bath and my mother called me. She told me the guys were in my house in Madrid. It was my only free evening. I have to take this anti-doping control," said Nadal.
"It was the same several days ago. David Ferrer and Fernando Verdasco were also tested as well, at 6:00 a.m. It's absolutely crazy. I don't know if, from a legal point of view, this is correct. That is, to know where you are every single moment of your life, and to account for this. This is what I think." Nadal added.
"I don't think this is a right thing to do. It's wrong. It's a high price to pay to practice your sport, to play tennis. I want tennis to be as clean as possible, of course. This is crystal clear. But there's room for maneuvering. You see, there's a certain type of leeway." Nadal continued.
Nadal also added that he was convinced that his friend, French player Richard Gasquet was innocent of doping despite the Frenchman testing positive for cocaine in Miami earlier this year. Gasquet has since been suspended and now faces a career threatening two-year ban from the sport.
"I have spoken to Richard last week on the phone. I am convinced that he did not take anything, that he did not take cocaine," said the Spaniard.
CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT Rafael Nadal IS THE ONE DOPING, not Roger Federer. From BBC SPORTS, read on...
17:17 GMT, Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Nadal believes anti-doping regulations are too strict
World number two Rafael Nadal has reiterated his criticism of anti-doping regulations in the wake of bans handed to Xavier Malisse and Yanina Wickmayer.
The Belgian pair fell foul of the rule requiring players to tell anti-doping authorities where they will be for one hour of every day over three months.
"I am the first who wants a clean sport but the way [controls] are being done is, in my opinion, not right," he said.
"It's too much to have to say where you are every day of your life."
Nadal, like Britain's Andy Murray, has been a vocal critic of the World Anti-Doping Agency's "whereabouts" rule, which was introduced on 1 January 2009.
Under the new rules, athletes must make themselves available to testers for one hour a day, between 0600 and 2300, three months in advance.
I have confidence in my colleagues and in other players. I always believe they're clean
Rafael Nadal
If an athlete fails to be in the specified location on three occasions in an 18-month period, they incur an automatic ban.
Malisse and Wickmayer were both given one-year bans by the Flemish Doping Tribunal in Belgium for falling foul of the rule.
They have both announced their intention to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, although Malisse said he may struggle to afford the costs involved.
Fellow Belgian Kim Clijsters described the punishments as "extremely harsh".
Nadal added: "I'm always going to side with the players and defend the players.
"I have confidence in my colleagues and in other players. I always believe they're clean. Until the results tell me otherwise, I'm going to defend my friends."
The bans for the Belgian pair were announced shortly after Andre Agassi revealed in his autobiography that he tested positive for crystal meth in 1997 and lied to the ATP in order to escape a ban.
Nadal and world number one Roger Federer have both expressed their shock that Agassi was able to avoid punishment by claiming his drug use was accidental.
But two-times Grand Slam champion Marat Safin believes Agassi has betrayed their governing body and should even consider giving his titles and prize money back.
"I'm not defending the ATP, but what he said put it in a delicate position," the Russian, who will retire at the end of the season, told French sports paper L'Equipe.
"The ATP allowed him to win a lot of tournaments, a lot of money. It kept his secret. Why does he need to be so cruel with it?
"If he is as fair play as he says he is, he has to go to the end. You know, the ATP has a bank account and he can give the money back if he wants."
ReplyDeleteRafael DOPAMINE Nadal
Rafael Nadal, The Dopemaster-General of Tennis
Rafa The Juicer
and so on and so forth...
Nadal's Nada
ReplyDeleteNote: I am not saying that Nadal was doping last year, but if he hypothetically was...
Nadal's missed drug test is a little harder to evaluate than some of the other players because of some of the unusual circumstances surrounding it. Nadal had been complaining about drug testing, and it reached a fevered pitch right in the middle of the French Open, where he openly discussed a warning that player Carlos Moya received for missing a test, presumably on 5/16. What's more interesting about this is the fact that Nadal himself had also received an out of competition drug test on 5/18, two days AFTER the one Moya apparently skipped and he makes no mention of it in the story (he was also tested in competition on 5/28, the day he was probably quoted for this story and again on 5/31 - although a few players were tested twice at Roland Garros so I won't read too much into that). Considering his anger about the issue and the fact that he doesn't even mention his own out of competition test, one might wonder whether there was something unusual about the test that got him so angry. There were rumors circulating around that time that Nadal had tested positive for something and had received some kind of warning (this might also be related to his 6/14 missed test or may just be a rumor). 5/18 also would have been a prime time for ending a doping cycle to ready a player for the French Open and if Nadal was using PED's (and I suggest this only hypothetically), this would certainly have been an inconvenient time to be tested. Ranked players were being tested at the French Open starting on 5/24. So why did he apparently submit to that 5/18 test? Without more information, it would be difficult to say for sure, but I will speculate that he was effectively ambushed by drug testers and didn't get a chance to dodge it. The next interesting thing about the drug testing is the bizarrely prophetic quote from the story above:
"If I lose tomorrow, I'll go back to Mallorca and who will know where I am if I have no access to the Internet? Now, if they knock at my door in Mallorca, they're going to give me a warning. It's happened to Carlos [Moya] before. They sent him a warning and this is most unfair," he said.
Q. Why does Rafael Nadal always seem to get "injured"?
ReplyDeleteA. To win the "sympathy" of the general public and tennis fans while DOPING UP, shooting enriched r-EPO blood into his system, and WADA Anti-Doping agents stay away out of courtesy.
Q. Why did Rafael Nadal switch from sleeveless tennis shirts to short-sleeved ones?
ReplyDeleteA. To hide the suspicious-looking juiced-up muscles built from HGH and PEDs, especially since Rafael Nadal himself says that his training regime does not involve too much weight lifting.
passingshot permalink
September 16, 2010 2:07 am
Nadal has claimed knee injuries since 2005, when he first started wearing bandages when he played. As you correctly observe, his injuries have rarely if ever impeded his performance as a multiple grand slam winner and his twice having reached No.1 in the world. Has ever a chronically injured player had such a distinguished career?
His latest knee injuries, which he says occurred in the clay-court season and troubled him at Wimbledon, were apparently “cured” after a few blood platelet plasma (BPP) treatments by a Dr Mikel Sanchez, a Spanish doctor. The treatments are apparently a means of trying to restimulate tendon growth, and remain somewhat controversial. The available medical literature says there is little evidence so far to support that BPP is any more effective than conventional treatments. James Blake has had similar treatment but without the same results as Nadal.
It is now widely speculated that taking breaks for “injuries” is a way of undergoing cycling of performance enhancing drugs at the same time. That may explain the frequency of injuries, the almost miraculous recoveries, and greatly improved performance coming off injury. Contrast the experiences of Del Potro, Davydenko and Simon, who have all had sustained periods off the tour recently with injury and are struggling to regain any kind of form (even to play again in Del Potro’s case). This is much what you would expect in the case of genuine injury. But not so Nadal. He has played continuously through his injuries (Wimbledon last year the significant exception), his movement unabated, with only the shortest break off court, and after 5 years, when his tendons should be like shredded rubber, he is miraculously cured by a Spanish doctor’s intervention, just in time to claim a his career slam. Wonders we will never cease to behold.
Q. Which ATP Player, at the tender age of 24, is beginning to show signs of balding, and why?
ReplyDeleteA. RAFAEL NADAL! ding-ding-ding-ding, you are correct! The reason is that balding is one of the key tell-tale signs of steroid use.
Rafa isn't balding as much as Roger is. Obviously Roger takes the lion's share of the drugs.
ReplyDeleteRoger should be ashamed. It's like he has "ILLEGAL PERFORMANCE ENHANCING CHEATING LYING DRUG ABUSER" written on his nose.
It's amazing how many of these "Anon" quotes are EXACTLY the same. Could this be the author trying to give his lies some sense of credibility?
ReplyDeleteFood for thought :)