Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Federer Linked to EPO; Suspicious Improvements in Performance

Sergio Cruz, ex-Trainer and Coach for Jim Courier when he was #1, is one of the only Tennis journalists that asks the "taboo" questions about Roger Federer and Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs). He provides quite a bit of interesting speculation, and no player, not even Roger Federer, is above suspicion. He has written articles linking heavy usage of EPO to mononucleosis and raising the obvious "Elephant in the Room" speculation that Fed got mono from EPO usage. He also has questioned Fed's high-altitude trraining as being linked to blood doping for obvious reasons.

We must begin with investigative journalism that directly addresses Tennis, and this is not an easy undertaking since Tennis journalists are so notorious for their negligence on this issue.

Did anyone else notice that when Rochus came out with his general accusations last week, not one reporter pressed him for more details? They all just complained about him making generalized accusations without offering more details. But if you read the Press Conference, they never asked follow-up questions that were anything other than speculative. All articles and blogs I've read on the subject indicate they have not contacted Christophe Rochus, and it appears noone is planning on doing a follow-up.

As a result of this shoddy journalism in Tennis, I will resort to provocative journalism to take the first step in this journey: namely to raise the obvious questions. This article from Segrio Cruz ( is one of the few I've read that points out how ludicrously ineffective testing in Tennis has become, especially when it involves the "sport's stars", and probes into some obvious questions about Roger Federer's performances. He poses many more interesting questions in other articles about Roger Federer and PEDs, but this is a good introduction.

Tennis - Performance Drugs? Or No Performance Drugs!
by Sergio Cruz

In recent years the World of Cycling has been turned upside down by doping cases involving all kinds of top stars, "Le tour de France" leaders and recent winners tainted with the doping question.
This got me thinking about our little world of tennis and in all fairness these questions popped up in my mind, what if:

- Police raids, like those in cycling in Italy, France, Spain or Belgium, were made at all major tournaments' Australian Open, Miami Open, Italian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, US Open at the tennis player’s guest houses and hotels? What would the Police find? Nothing?

- Independent labs examined the blood and urine samples presented by the players rather then labs controlled either by the ATP or ITF? Would the results be different?

Since the ATP and the ITF run the drug testing programs, isn't this a bit of the case of the fox in the chicken coop? And I decide who gets eaten or not? Which some South American players often complain about.

Are drugs and doping systems like; Steroids (Anabolic), EPO, HGH (Growth Hormone), cocaine, amphetamines and some other forms of blood doping not effective in tennis? Well, these and many more questions started reeling in my ever curious mind and I decided to investigate a bit and learned that::

-Blood doping is the process of artificially increasing the amount of red blood cells in the body in an attempt to improve Athletic performance. In the past this was accomplished by a blood transfusion. The athlete would “donate” a unit of blood into storage and then 3 weeks later, after the body had completely replaced the blood loss, transfuse the unit back into the body. This would occur just before a big race, effectively giving the athlete an “extra” unit of blood. This enables performance improvements in endurance sports because of the extra oxygen carrying capacity. The practice has been outlawed. Not just because it is unfair but because of the dangers involved.

-EPO has put a whole new spin on blood doping. No need for messy transfusions, just shoot up with EPO to increase your circulating erythrocyte mass. Until recently accurate testing has been difficult because the recombinant human EPO made in the lab is virtually identical to the naturally occurring form and there are no firmly established normal ranges for EPO in the body. The only previously available route to curtail cheating for sports governing bodies was to ban an athlete if the hematocrit (see side bar) level was too high (e.g., above 50%). Thus, over the past 10 – 15 years some athletes chose to cheat because, as long as they kept their hematocrit levels below 50%, there seemed little risk of getting caught.

Of course the other way to get caught was highlighted in the disastrous 1998 Tour de France. Several team doctors and personnel from several teams were caught red-handed with thousands of doses of EPO and other banned substances. Ultimately about 50% of the teams withdrew from the race – either for cheating or in protest" Rice Edu - Erythropoietin Feb. 2005 Mark Jenkins Whoa! At this point my brain started racing at 100'000 miles an hour, boy what this could do to tennis players!?!

And what about steroids?

So I went on with my digging and:
"Anabolic steroids are drugs that resemble androgenic hormones (sometimes called male hormones) such as testosterone. Athletes consume them in the hope of gaining weight, strength, power, speed, endurance, and aggressiveness." (Thomas D. Fahey Exercise Physiology Laboratory, California State University)

We all know that tennis benefits from all of those!
- Following on comments made by Nicolas Escude former ATP player at the French open 2002. In Paris, French Davis Cup player Escude said: "To say that tennis today is clean, you have to be living in a dream world." Have things changed?

- John McEnroe has reportedly admitted he unknowingly took steroids during his tennis career.
"For six years I was unaware I was being given a form of steroid of the legal kind they used to give horses until they decided it was too strong even for horses," McEnroe was quoted as saying in The Daily Telegraph newspaper in Sydney on Monday." Then I read that in his book ''You Cannot Be Serious'', McEnroe said he suspected that steroids and amphetamines had made their way into the top levels of the sport in the 80's. "

- This made me think about other guys, Vitas Gerulaitis came to mind and the FBI investigation on cocaine:

All of this got me really ticked off because I played during the Gerulaitis/McEnroe era and these guys whose games I respected and enjoyed (especially McEnroe's), were these guys after all just cheats?!...and how many more were then cheating and are the new top players cheating today as well?

Then I thought about the Petr Korda and the Wimbledon steroid doping case that was aired to the press anonymously and kept under wraps by the ITF/ATP for almost 3 months since they received the results!...Are we kidding, what's the official message here?

This last question has me wondering about certain goings on in tennis of latter years that are outright disturbing.

Unless induced with illegal means, performance has a pretty much up and down curve of progress and if two players that at the begining of their careers were close in their matches, the results tend to be close throughout life.

When do things start getting suspicious? I'll give you an example:
- A player has 3/5 win loss against another player and plays him on clay where he has always lost and beats the other player in straight sets 6/2 6/3 in a major event.

Other examples of suspicious "progress":
- A player that is way past his prime and whose performance was in decline, all of a sudden comes to a major and wins seven matches playing like he's possessed by the devil, running like a 20 year old, dropping only two sets along the way, with on court temperatures sometimes over 40 degrees Celsius! Spaghetti alone cannot do that, something must be in the water!

- Another tell tale sign is, if a player is too dominant for too long! As we all know there is no amount of training that can retrograde the natural cycle of regeneration of our cell system, meaning several losses in a year should be the norm for any player because of the natural low red blood cell count resulting in lack of performance, unless foul play is involved; Within a year this natural cycle of renewal repeats itself about 12 times in high and low cycles of approximately 21 days each! If a Superman exists among our tennis stars that can beat such cycles, I'm sure scientists do not believe in it!

- Players flying home in between rounds during Grand Slam events! Hum? Is this a new form of training? Boy oh boy all alarm bells and the "Big Ben" start ringing!

- A player that was winning or getting to almost every final of each tournament he played, after the "Big Ben" started ringing does not do anything for almost 8 months! Was there an official warning and the whole thing was thrown under the rug?

- The dubious presence of suspicious types on the player’s "entourage"! When the ATP has great professionals right there on site at the player’s disposal day in and day out?

How easy is it to cheat? Apparently, very, very easy!

In time I saw three major TV documentaries/interviews one with Lyle Alzedo Famous Football player LA Raiders, ( Not the size of the dog in the fight by Mike Puma Special to ), then Ben Johnson (100 meters runner) , "Drugs & the Quest for Gold - Broadcast in Canada by CTV and Discovery channel.

More recently after the 2006 Tour de France I saw an interview on German TV with a Spanish ex-professional bicycle rider Tour de France level and from seeing and hearing their statements and the ones of their doctors the conclusion to make is; what all athletes using performance enhancing drugs have in common:

- Its all about when they get injected with anabolic, HGH or EPO or G.O.R.K.(God Only Really Knows!)

- If there is enough time between the drug intake and the competition, apparently they will get a clean test during the competition. (That's why Rasmussen missed random drug tests May 8 and June 28, saying he was in Mexico, when in fact, he was seen in Italy!)

- In interviews, athletes have declared to have year around performance enhancing drug programs with their physicians that have it all studied to the T!

- When caught they did not take anything illegal, here is an example of a great explanation by Dieter Baumann German Olympian; "that someone had manipulated his toothpaste "....

The past BALCO controversy or the more recent Spanish blood doping (EPO) labs are two known cases of top athletes using professional cheating. One of the main culprits at the Spanish Lab Dr. Eufemiano Fuentes declared: "Treatment only for cyclists? I'm also indignant about that. I've worked with other sports, like athletics, tennis and football. There are a lot of names that haven't come out, there has been only selective leaks. I don't know why."

Is this a cover up? A selective witch hunt?

- In many cases athletes who get caught do not name others, but claim that many, if not all at the top of their sports, are using performance enhancing drugs! This is highly disturbing! (see Chistophe Rochus)

Considering that the tennis circuit and tennis business overall is in the billions of dollars, all of what I just wrote and much more which would turn this article into a book, make me ponder about the seriousness of officials in curbing performance enhancing drugs in tennis and leads me to the question:
- Should we legalize performance enhancing drugs in tennis/sports?

Now lash out at me! Tell me what you think? Are the Kings and Queens of our beloved tennis tainted or is this just a figment of my altered imagination?!&id=697425


  1. I'm a massive Federer fan, but I'm not biased.

    I have to admit that article raises some serious questions about Roger's performances peaking suspiciously at the slams. Who knows, he may be on PEDs.

    Given the history of doping in sport, I am suspicious of all the athletes, and Roger shouldn't be given a carte blanche by the fans.

  2. Federer has been given a free pass for too long while everyone salivates over catching Nadal. It is fantastic that there is finally a medium to question Federer too.

    Are we expected to believe he is some kind of "Superman" beating all his doped compatriots? Some of these Fedtards that inquire into doping in Tennis seem to see Roger as above the doping regime instead of being a part of it. Any questions about Roger are always quickly dismissed and ONLY then is the scrutiny focused on the Messenger as opposed to the Message.

  3. Yea, I've noticed that Sergio Cruz's credibility has been angrily questioned for speculations he has made on Roger using PEDs. This guy played on the ATP, coached and trained Jim Courier. He is the kind of insider whistleblower fans of tennis have been screaming for to come out and speak their mind to help clean up the sport. If we had 10 more like him, we might start making some progress instead of going nowhere. He goes after the ITF more than anything else.

    Meanwhile, the Rafa witch hunters cite opinions on Rafa's serve from a "West Coast Grrlie Blather" blog and some unknown Tennis Coach as credible sources and don't spend one second questioning their credibility because Rafa is the target. Hypocrisy at its worst! lol

  4. As a Roger fan, I feel so empty after reading this article. I thought he at least was innocent.

    Maybe that's why he missed an out of competition test last year.

    Is his swearing at the umpires an instance of roid rage?

    I feel like crying. How could you be a cheat, Roger?

  5. I have been a passionate and loyal Roger fan for the last 7 years. I would often sacrifice my sleep to see him play. However, after reading this article, I am no longer his fan.

    It is clear that he is the same as Nadal and the rest of them, a doper.

    I hope he is banned and stripped of all his titles. I feel so depressed right now.

  6. In 2007-2009, Federer reached 11 of 12 slam finals. the only exception was AO 2008 (semi).

    He was as good in the slams in that period as he was in 2005-2006. And yet his results in the smaller tourneys were a lot worse.

    What is the reason for this? Surely slams being longer, more physical events ought to be tougher for him to win?

    Also, AO 2008 is a highly suspicious tourney. How could someone who just had mono reach the semis? Mono ended Ancic's career. So I think it is a very shady claim. Maybe EPO creates something similar to Mono. To be honest, I have always thought that it was just an excuse.

    His post Wimbledon results this year are also highly suspicious. He reached 2 finals up till Wimbledon this year. Since Wimbledon, he has reached 4 finals in 5 tourneys, and a semi in the other. How has this dramatic resurgence come about?

    There is clear circumstantial evidence that Federer is doing blood doping for endurance and stamina.

  7. Yes, of course he's doping.
    He's disgusting. I can't wait for him to retire.
    Even commentators dislike him.

  8. "Even commentators dislike him. "
    They really do?
    I admit I seldom watch Roger's matches. When I did, I never noticed antipathy.


  10. Hehe,

    LMAO. What great photos! I want to use them in my next post which will be on Roger doping in his calves. The French Journos thought this was the suspicious thing about Roger back in 2003-2004 as all his power comes from the legs. Plus, those pics, especially the second one, are hilarious. :)

  11. This story needs to be investigated! Federer should be behind bars or at the very least have to alert authorities that a pervert is in town when he is playing:

    Four ballboys have come forward with allegations that they were subjected to a lewd display by five-time Wimbledon champion Roger Federer, Scotland Yard has confirmed. Two hours after his thrilling five-set triumph over Rafael Nadal, sources close to the investigation say, Federer invited the youngsters to the men's locker room for what he termed a "private party." Upon arriving, the boys found the Swiss tennis great eating a heaping bowl of strawberries and cream and wearing nothing but his trademark monogrammed blazer and a light-blue Nike headband.
    —the Daily Mirror, Aug. 2, 2007

  12. @Anon at 00:59,

    I'll check and investigate whether there was any follow-up by Scotland Yard. I wonder if those ball boys had to get some kind of therapy after seeing that display. It's possible that they will never be able to eat strawberries and cream ever again for the rest of their lives. :(

  13. This is the funniest article I have ever read!!

    Sergio, do you know how the doping system even work is tennis?
    Do you know when players get tested?
    Do you know to what length Roger goes to make sure his name stay clean and that no accidental intake of any banned substance can get in his body?
    Do you have any idea of what and when Roger has training blocks through the year?
    Do you have any idea what a player can achieve during a 3 week training block?

    You obviously have no idea so it was a very funny article to stir rumors and possible to get a bit of attention.

    You have no clue!!
    But thanks for the entertainment.

  14. @Anonymous at 1:20

    "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."
    Mark Twain

    The evidence speaks for itself: Federer dopes. That is a fact. And I am a huge Roger fan.

    1. I am a major fan of Roger Federer. Nonetheless, I know that doping can occur in any and every sport. Since tennis is a very demanding sport, I would not be surprised if it was proven that all the big super stars of tennis, including Federer, are on something.
      With that being said, however, all that this discussion accomplishes is raise the question. It does not answer it, but rather provides ground on which to build suspicion about how clean/unclean tennis players are. I do believe the question was raised legitimately. Now, let us have facts, because I believe there has been enough speculation and that proper testing is needed before any accusations are made.

  15. All these articles are to stir rumours. It's sad to see people being so sore. Please grow up and stop being so childish

  16. Clearly you must be doing something right Fed_Fanatic. I've never seen so many Fedtards being so defensive about Roger. Maybe they will look at themselves eventually...nahhhhh....

    Keep it up. :)

  17. Federer's muscles:

    Double of Gerard Depardieu?

    Imbalanced biceps?

    Old man?


    Not a big difference in overall appearance, even similar smile ;)

    Hope you enjoyed.

  18. @Anon at 00:59

    ** This story about Federer is a JOKE **

    It is not true, it's just an ironic story made up by the writer at Slate.

    The stories at the top of the page are true, which is why they have links as references.
    The stories at the bottom, including the one about Roger, are jokes.
    That is why they do not have true references and why the writing is ridiculous.

    STOP calling Federer a "pervert" and please continue studying English so you can understand humor.
    You're just making an idiot of yourself.

  19. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT Rafael Nadal IS THE ONE DOPING, not Roger Federer. From BBC SPORTS, read on...


    17:17 GMT, Tuesday, 10 November 2009

    Nadal believes anti-doping regulations are too strict

    World number two Rafael Nadal has reiterated his criticism of anti-doping regulations in the wake of bans handed to Xavier Malisse and Yanina Wickmayer.

    The Belgian pair fell foul of the rule requiring players to tell anti-doping authorities where they will be for one hour of every day over three months.

    "I am the first who wants a clean sport but the way [controls] are being done is, in my opinion, not right," he said.

    "It's too much to have to say where you are every day of your life."

    Nadal, like Britain's Andy Murray, has been a vocal critic of the World Anti-Doping Agency's "whereabouts" rule, which was introduced on 1 January 2009.

    Under the new rules, athletes must make themselves available to testers for one hour a day, between 0600 and 2300, three months in advance.

    I have confidence in my colleagues and in other players. I always believe they're clean

    Rafael Nadal
    If an athlete fails to be in the specified location on three occasions in an 18-month period, they incur an automatic ban.

    Malisse and Wickmayer were both given one-year bans by the Flemish Doping Tribunal in Belgium for falling foul of the rule.

    They have both announced their intention to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, although Malisse said he may struggle to afford the costs involved.

    Fellow Belgian Kim Clijsters described the punishments as "extremely harsh".

    Nadal added: "I'm always going to side with the players and defend the players.

    "I have confidence in my colleagues and in other players. I always believe they're clean. Until the results tell me otherwise, I'm going to defend my friends."

    The bans for the Belgian pair were announced shortly after Andre Agassi revealed in his autobiography that he tested positive for crystal meth in 1997 and lied to the ATP in order to escape a ban.

    Nadal and world number one Roger Federer have both expressed their shock that Agassi was able to avoid punishment by claiming his drug use was accidental.

    But two-times Grand Slam champion Marat Safin believes Agassi has betrayed their governing body and should even consider giving his titles and prize money back.

    "I'm not defending the ATP, but what he said put it in a delicate position," the Russian, who will retire at the end of the season, told French sports paper L'Equipe.

    "The ATP allowed him to win a lot of tournaments, a lot of money. It kept his secret. Why does he need to be so cruel with it?

    "If he is as fair play as he says he is, he has to go to the end. You know, the ATP has a bank account and he can give the money back if he wants."

  20. If RAFA is so clean, WHY is he against stringent testing? Read on below for yourselves...


    Staff - 30 May 2009

    Four time reigning French Open champion Rafael Nadal launched a scathing attack on world sport's controversial new doping rules claiming top tennis players were being "harassed" by testers.

    Nadal said he was paid his latest visit by testers when he was at home in Madrid last week.

    "I was with my friends. Then I had a bath and my mother called me. She told me the guys were in my house in Madrid. It was my only free evening. I have to take this anti-doping control," said Nadal.

    "It was the same several days ago. David Ferrer and Fernando Verdasco were also tested as well, at 6:00 a.m. It's absolutely crazy. I don't know if, from a legal point of view, this is correct. That is, to know where you are every single moment of your life, and to account for this. This is what I think." Nadal added.

    "I don't think this is a right thing to do. It's wrong. It's a high price to pay to practice your sport, to play tennis. I want tennis to be as clean as possible, of course. This is crystal clear. But there's room for maneuvering. You see, there's a certain type of leeway." Nadal continued.

    Nadal also added that he was convinced that his friend, French player Richard Gasquet was innocent of doping despite the Frenchman testing positive for cocaine in Miami earlier this year. Gasquet has since been suspended and now faces a career threatening two-year ban from the sport.

    "I have spoken to Richard last week on the phone. I am convinced that he did not take anything, that he did not take cocaine," said the Spaniard.



    2/7/09 4:37 AM | Ricky Dimon

    Roger Federer approves of the new doping rules in tennis. His opinion on the issue, however, differs from those of both Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray.

    Roger Federer gave his approval to the International Tennis Federation's new and more stringent doping rules this week.

    The new policy states that all players must provide an hour of the day, for all 365 days of the year, in which they reveal their whereabouts and agree to be prepared for a random test. For Federer, it's OK by him if that's what has to be done.

    "You're not going to catch them," Federer said of the potential dopers, "by ringing up and saying, 'Look, I'd like to test you maybe in two days. The guy is cheating and they are smart, right?"

    At the same time, however, Federer admitted that the system is much different now. "It's a tough system and a significant change to what we were used to before, so I think it takes some getting used to it," he explained. "But this is how you're going to catch them. It is an hour a day. I know it's a pain, but I would like it to be a clean sport, so I'm OK with it."

    Among those against the new rules are Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray. Nadal voiced his displeasure during the Australian Open, and Murray chimed in on the matter earlier this week.

    The fourth-ranked Scot was apparently tested at 7 AM last week. "The official insisted on watching me provide the sample--literally with my trousers around my ankles--then insisted I wrote down my home address, even though he was at my private home at 7 AM," he said. "The new rules are draconian."

  22. This is the most unbelievable trash I have ever encountered on the internet. You should be ashamed of yourself. Get a life while you're at it - what a waste of time!

  23. "Rafael DOPEMASTER-GENERAL Nadal"14 November 2010 at 00:39

    Q. Why did Rafael Nadal switch from sleeveless tennis shirts to short-sleeved ones?

    A. To hide the suspicious-looking juiced-up muscles built from HGH and PEDs, especially since Rafael Nadal himself says that his training regime does not involve too much weight lifting.

  24. "Rafael ROPE-A-DOPE Nadal"14 November 2010 at 00:40

    Q. Why does Rafael Nadal always seem to get "injured"?

    A. To win the "sympathy" of the general public and tennis fans while DOPING UP, shooting enriched r-EPO blood into his system, and WADA Anti-Doping agents stay away out of courtesy.

  25. TruthTellerTellingItLikeItIs14 November 2010 at 00:42



    passingshot permalink
    September 16, 2010 2:07 am
    Nadal has claimed knee injuries since 2005, when he first started wearing bandages when he played. As you correctly observe, his injuries have rarely if ever impeded his performance as a multiple grand slam winner and his twice having reached No.1 in the world. Has ever a chronically injured player had such a distinguished career?

    His latest knee injuries, which he says occurred in the clay-court season and troubled him at Wimbledon, were apparently “cured” after a few blood platelet plasma (BPP) treatments by a Dr Mikel Sanchez, a Spanish doctor. The treatments are apparently a means of trying to restimulate tendon growth, and remain somewhat controversial. The available medical literature says there is little evidence so far to support that BPP is any more effective than conventional treatments. James Blake has had similar treatment but without the same results as Nadal.

    It is now widely speculated that taking breaks for “injuries” is a way of undergoing cycling of performance enhancing drugs at the same time. That may explain the frequency of injuries, the almost miraculous recoveries, and greatly improved performance coming off injury. Contrast the experiences of Del Potro, Davydenko and Simon, who have all had sustained periods off the tour recently with injury and are struggling to regain any kind of form (even to play again in Del Potro’s case). This is much what you would expect in the case of genuine injury. But not so Nadal. He has played continuously through his injuries (Wimbledon last year the significant exception), his movement unabated, with only the shortest break off court, and after 5 years, when his tendons should be like shredded rubber, he is miraculously cured by a Spanish doctor’s intervention, just in time to claim a his career slam. Wonders we will never cease to behold.

  26. "Rafael DOPAMINE Nadal"14 November 2010 at 21:59

    Q. Which ATP Player, at the tender age of 24, is beginning to show signs of balding, and why?

    A. RAFAEL NADAL! ding-ding-ding-ding, you are correct! The reason is that balding is one of the key tell-tale signs of steroid use.

  27. Roger, is that you? :( You need help. I'm so sorry.

  28. Just because an article says it's so, doesn't make it so. If Roger is doping, then so is Nadal, Djokovic and many others. Catch one, catch 'em all.

  29. The reason why Federer is past his peak, and can still show up to win Wimbledon is because he has won Wimbledon several times. He won it with superior technique and experience. You can't say his fitness levels were suspicious, its not like he's outlasted Murray and Djokovic, or beat them in five sets back-to-back. He won both matches in four sets by playing better tennis. He doesn't outhit them or bully them with power. Serena has a more powerful first serve than Roger. There is no sign or nothing to indicate that Federer is doping. The effects of his ageing on his game are clear. He's not the player once was. He's not as fast as he used to be; struggles to recover after long matches - which is why he performed abysmally in the Olympic finals; he's less dominant on slower surfaces - he tries to shorten points so he doesn't get burnt out. The only thing that might have seemed suspicious about Federer is that we never hear of his injuries. Well, he has back injury and is known to pulled out of events because of this (some are Masters level events), but he manages the situation well by not overdoing things. Moreover his lack of injuries can be partially explained by his philosophy of playing tennis. A very fluid attacking style which is reliant on striking the ball with timing and precision, rather than power, and he doesn't contort his body for the sake of defending lost causes.

    You are right to question whether Federer does what he does legitimately, after all, it is quite a feat. Call me a Fedtard, but it is clear that he does what he does legitimately. He is vastly gifted, far above the level of his counterparts, and he beautifully combines this talent with discipline and handwork to create a formula for success. It is what it is.

  30. I am a major fan of Roger Federer. Nonetheless, I know that doping can occur in any and every sport. Since tennis is a very demanding sport, I would not be surprised if it was proven that all the big super stars of tennis, including Federer, are on something.
    With that being said, however, all that this discussion accomplishes is raise the question. It does not answer it, but rather provides ground on which to build suspicion about how clean/unclean tennis players are. I do believe the question was raised legitimately. Now, let us have facts, because I believe there has been enough speculation and that proper testing is needed before any accusations are made.

  31. To the Fedtard from 24 January 2013, thank you for your sane comments. Having watched Federer and his contemporaries play for many years now, it's laughable. When Roger loses, he's simply outgunned by bigger stronger beefier younger players. He only won Wimbledon cos one of the other top seeds got knocked out. He relies on skill, speed and closing out rallies quickly if he can. It's because he's lost finals pretty consistently over the last 3 years you KNOW he isn't doping or he would do what the other v obvious candidates are clearly doing. Or he would be number 1 still. Please. Some common sense?

  32. I also have real concerns about the program Djoka took to recover from his 5 setter in the Australian Open. Lleyton Hewitt made a joke about it in Courier's interview but you can't recover like that just from ice baths. It was inhuman.

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  50. You are absolutely retarded. Honestly. Federer even wants more doping tests, so your accusations regarding him and epo are just dumb, without any proof. Federer has 0 retirements, which clearly speaks against the use of epo, because the more epo you take, more injuries will come. There is also no connection between epo and the mono sickness. Some of my friends, who are 20, have had mono twice. Everybody will have mono once in a lifetime, sometimes even more. Just get the fuck out and stop wasting your time with things like this. If you are so sure about your false accusations, go to the CAS and present them right away.

  51. Ah, almost 37 and playing better than ever, moving better than ever, won 3 of last 5 slams, back to world number 1... despite the fact he looked old and finished several years ago? Yeah nothing suspicious there. All I here is former players say "How does he still do this at his age? It's impossible, I don't know how he does it!!". Well, it's not rocket science folks.

    1. give you evidence to atp or else u just create false information lol

    2. 'You can't accuse someone without hard evidence' is literally some of the dumbest crap out there. I have bo evidence The Rock uses steroids but we know he most likely does. Federer, now almost 38 looks better than ever and is in first FO SF for 7 yrs, I wonder why! Haha!

    3. Yes, I think there could be something to this. Federer didn't seem very fatigued at all in the 5-hour Wimby final. Very odd.

    4. OK, I just read an article on the Web called "The Curious Case of Roger Federer." Now I'm absolutely convinced that he (and other players) are doping.

      Another big cheat is Serena, who is apparently a biological male. At the 2018 U.S. Open, she TWICE said (once to Carlos Ramos, and later at the post-match presser), "I've seen OTHER MEN do much worse things [than what I did]." Tell me, have you ever heard a real woman refer to men as "other men"??? I haven't--ever. It would make no sense. And Serena does this TWICE on the same day?? :) Incidentally, Venus is male too. It seems Richard Williams adopted 2 boys after cooking up the ultimate "get rich" scheme. Absolutely sickening.

    5. Oh, if anyone still doubts Serena is a male, please read more here:

    6. The link about Serena above has been taken down (i.e., censored by Quora). Please visit this link instead:

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.
