Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Doping Cheat Roger Federer Gets Further Exposed

Few publications deliver the credibility needed as the London Times. The latest and exclusive interview that the they had with disgraced Tennis Star Christophe Rochus exposes the systematic doping practices of himself, Roger Federer, Stanislaw Wawrinka and sundry in the past Grand Slams. Along with it comes some unexpected chills. There is the shocking revelation about aspects such as Federer selling FederBears to raise money for doping (see more here), married man and father Federer going out to strip bars for years with his cocaine indulging friends, how team helpers got rid of blood bags with fresh EPO for Fed by flushing them down the toilet, how doctors "prepared" Roger for his roboticly juiced and boring performances, so and so forth.

You may accuse me of acting on sound bites but I'm no fool when it comes to "blindly taking faith" when reality is fraud, whatever the business maybe. People have lost dignity and their self respect in the quest for money and glory, be that in tennis, soccer, baseball or the corporate business world.

Sometimes I wonder, is it truly a Western phenomena that shady individuals get to write books about their "great victories" or do reality shows on television, and then stand to make unimaginable sums of money by defrauding people? When in trouble, they are able to hire expensive lawyers who are experts by training at poking holes in stories to help their disgraceful clients get away. To cushion against a fall from grace at any time, among their insurance policies are forming relationships with big political names, giving generously to charity and using social media to deliver propaganda.

The die-hard Fedtards who sit blindly and accept such behavior are arguably immoral themselves or plainly unable to exercise their own brains. Their excuses for continuing to support this idiot is : "there is no proof", "this is hearsay", "he's inspiring", "he's done so much for this cause" and so on. Sadly, common sense is rare and that has been a constant since the Neanderthal man.

A great person once said that history is written by the victor. The one who is smart and cunning, who wins and has the money, who is extremely powerful and has a throng of followers around them, who can literally decide your fate if you turn your back on them...these are the people who have the muscle to bend a true story to their liking and ultimately to their advantage.

It's all too easy to be star-struck watching the hundreds of video clips of Roger Federer on Youtube. Its easy to buy a bunch of cheap merchandise dreamed up by him and his lieutenants and believe what he invariably asks you to slurp in. And it's easier conforming with the religious fanatical cult Fedtard fan following based around him and his "brand" and do exactly what they're all doing.

But it's difficult to go out against the tide and exercise some independent critical thinking skills to challenge the root of the system. We're often times lazy to explore or plainly just narrow minded to accept the other half of the story. When we believe in something, we fix it in our world view and build castles around it to protect it. But if castles are built on loose foundation, like the story of the man who built his house on mud, it will topple sooner or later. When it crashes down, that will be a mind-blowing experience. Fedtards are starting to wake up to a nightmare.....Roger Federer has been the biggest doping fraud in Tennis History.


  1. If you have the resources like Federer does then it makes it easy to beat the testing in tennis. Hell, I bet they don't even test him, the ATP council is so under his thumb.

    Bottom line is cheaters will always be ahead of the testers. I'm sorry folks but Roger is a fraud.

    1. Lol. Complete bull cr*p.

  2. As a Roger fan, I feel so empty after seeing the evidence. I thought he at least was innocent.

    Maybe that's why he missed an out of competition test last year. Is his swearing at the umpires an instance of roid rage?

    I feel like crying. How could you be a cheat, Roger?

    1. Poor Lawrence......I'm sure you feel betrayed, huh?

  3. Federer was juiced up for every one of his slams and he knows it. On top of being a doper, he's a liar

  4. I understand that many people are upset by the now ever increasing evidence of Roger Federer doping and cheating, and want to blame someone. But blaming the messanger is not the way to go.

    The person who lied to you and sold himself to you as someone to hero worship is the one you should be upset at. The analogy would be getting angry with the person who informs you of your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating for telling you the truth and not wanting to face up to the issue of your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating. This is childish thinking, grow up. If you need to see a shrink to face up to this issue then that is what you should do instead of continueing this juvenile mindset.

    Federer is a doping cheat. The Fedtards on this site going after RFID are immature fanatics.

  5. I see you trollin'. The interview you talk about never took place. The allegations you mention do not appear anywhere except on this blog.

    Try harder.

  6. What the fuck is this shit?? Shut up and stop disrespecting one of the greatest sportsmen of all time.

  7. Frauderer sucks!! He can't even dope right anymore. lol

    It's been great seeing him fail all year. Keep up the great work! :)

  8. Nadal is the best!!!

  9. Please keep up the good work in exposing Roger. Once upon a time, he was my favorite player. But I can no longer support him after reading all the mountains of evidence and compelling hearsay you've provided. It's been a long time since you posted. Have Roger and Mirka got to you?

    Don't stop exposing him! Tennis needs you!

    1. hey way to pat yourself on the back, Larry! Yeah, Rog has definitely gotten to you, lol.

  10. There is no evidence even presented in this article. You guys are all idiots. Objective vs. Subjective; Objective will win. Stop being pathetic and writing dumb articles. So pissed I even read this.

  11. Although this site is totally idiot, for positive reason i hope it will strengthen the people to push harder the drug control institution. I really support this site for this reason.

  12. The thing is that in the realm of sports everyone is's just a show, which for good or bad involves a great deal of money. That ,however, does not mean that R.F. does not have a nice forehand... that's what I aspire to most, not the federer-persona.

  13. I cycle as a pass time and also play a lot of tennis and my calves are BIGGER than Fed's. I don't dope and if I was accused like THIS with absolutally no evidence, I would make sure the person(s) responsible would pay for it. It is a blatant attack on a persons character that without solid evidence is not true and can cause necessary problems for all parties involved.

    The writer (or should I say liar) of this blog should be ashamed of themselves. But I guess with the lack of recent posts they have run out of what they call "evidence".

  14. It's so sad to see people on a blog post hatred toward great players. Seriously, get some evidence and use your time for something creative.

    1. arrogant gamesmanship Nadal fan is arrogant and fanatic. as always.

      Nadal is doping and cheater.

      Most dislike player of all times.

      2009. Murray. 2010. Nadal. 2011. Nadal.

      in Mens Tennis Forum.

      arrogant gamesmanship player ever.

      sucks Nadal

  15. Fedtard fools would have us believe that his "ballerina" movement is why he's been injury free and still peaking at 31 yo with a family and two kids. Do they think we're stupid or something? Meanwhile they accuse Nadal of doping as a diversion tactic - sneaky bastards! Insiders know Fed's been doping on and off for the better part of a decade and is fully protected by the tour.

    1. How retarded one could be to post a bullshit like this? I wish your fathered was protected some time ago...

  16. Roger is not a sociopath, he has a narcissist personality. The subtle difference is that he will do what he feels is best to keep his (diminished) legacy alive.

    One thing can be guaranteed is that there will never do a sincere confession and apology.

  17. OMG!!!!
    Can't believe Federer was a doping cheat all along.
    Very shocking.

  18. i am a nadal fan but after reading this article i can say that the person who has written this article is a pissed off depressed man who has no work to do other than disgracing a legend.
    Shame on u for writing such an article

    1. the foolish federer fans will never respect rafa, keep hating federer mate

  19. This shit is so stupid it's actually funny. Whoever wrote this did it while their head wad up Nads ass. Catch a breath of fresh air man!

  20. stupid u bustard how dare to say any thing like this about roger federer. i want to slap you dirty fellow. if you don't like federer its k no problem. but if you make dirty politics like this we cant tolerate. god will give you punishment and he will teach you a lesson for this article. see soon you will def lost something which is very valuable for you.

  21. You son of a bitch..

    You mother fucker...

    Behn ka loda..

    fudi ke.



    apne baap ke liye aisa likhta hai.randi saale.

    Federer is ur dad,u omtherfucker..

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  23. lol. The writer of this blog is a total sociopath. It's kind of awesome to watch.

  24. LOL!!!! Keep up the good comedy! :D I specially like how you comment on your own article, Boreman!

  25. ok - I couldn't care less how late in the game this comment is. This blog is the most delusional, pathetic attempt at "reporting" I've seen in some time. This "blogger" so ridiculously has it in for Fed that even Nadal fans are laughing at this petty gong show of completely concocted, groundless muckraking. Bad enough with the immaturity level here (really? he's also gay?) but to also insert your own comments in your own blog? You are biggest loser, Lawrence. Sad. If you can't be a convincing troll, why even bother?

    1. So, seeing Roger run around like a 20 yr old versus Murray in fridays semi, are you still so convinced Federer is not epo'ing or at least high level training/egging ?

      I'm sorry, but after watching that match, when before i was not even thinking about Roger doping, I just can't clear away my suspicions now. It was an extra ordinary spectacle of fitness and speed and stamina, yes his precision was incredible, but at 33/34 yrs old, I can't shake the thought that he is taking something off.

      I hope I'm wrong, I really do, it would be tantamount to treachery, cheating on the grandest scale given his stature, and I would then have to suspect all the top ten of doping if it ever came out to be true.

      It would be the saddest day that ever existed in tennis if it was proved that Federer was not clean.

    2. Jubbahey - you said:
      "So, seeing Roger run around like a 20 yr old versus Murray in fridays semi, are you still so convinced Federer is not epo'ing or at least high level training/egging ?"
      - high level training? Sure, I'll go with that. No epo'ing or anything, though.
      "I can't shake the thought that he is taking something off."
      - try harder.
      "It would be the saddest day that ever existed in tennis if it was proved that Federer was not clean."
      - ok that I'll agree with. I'd bet the farm he's always been clean, though.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. i would say bad trolling but it looks like you duped some people

  28. Incredible!!! 6 months out with injury and he comes back and wins a slam! How is this possible at 35? And he looks so skinny???!!! To cap it all he has adopted Khazi-Kei tactics - MTO when opponent is exhausted. Sad to see RF so desperate he would stoop so low - then I guess 5 years without a slam threatened his delicate goat status.

    1. I'm at a loss for words

      How utterly dumb you must be to accuse someone of being a doper without any hard evidence!
      Never heard of hard work and training to achieve your goals I guess. Or did all the bashers not succeed or get what they wanted most in life and are now just jealous to come up with such narrow minded conclusions.

      The publisher of the article is a fraud given the lack of evidence provided (links to sites, interviews with docters, documents etc.. etc..).
      That part is obvious!

      Rock on Federer! We love seeing you play and win!
      And bravo for the superb comeback, we can only be amazed by your mental strength and your teams brilliance to be able to turn an injury timeout into a boost in your career!

      A big fan of the game.

    2. Couldn't agree more. He's had a fabulous year. 7 titles and 36 years old. The author of this blog is a raving lunatic and needs urgent medical help.

  29. Youre a bunch of idiots..fed rules

  30. Occam's razor. The most obvious answer is usually the right one. The guy's almost 38 and looks and plays better than ever, never seems to show any signs of fatigue at all and is actually getting better with age. Even though he showed strong signs of decline in his early 30's. We'll never know cause even if he did fail a drugs test the ATP would bury it and never let it get out, but Occam's razor folks.

  31. When players play the Olympics they probably stop doping (if they are), the testing is far better, they keep the samples on file to test again in the future and the Olympics don't care if a top tennis player fails a test unlike the ATP. So its pretty funny how Federer always looks a bit 'off' at the Olympics, and the 2012 final was the only time I've ever seen Fed looked shattered, not before in his career, and certainly not when he's 35-38, but in the Olympics at 30. Must be a coincidence!! Hahaha!!

  32. Another Wimbledon final at 38. Playing better than ever, winning the majority of baseline exchanges with Nadal, flying around the court getting everything back never breaking a sweat or looking fatigued.

    This site was ahead of it's time.
