Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Doping Cheat Roger Federer Gets Further Exposed
Few publications deliver the credibility needed as the London Times. The latest and exclusive interview that the they had with disgraced Tennis Star Christophe Rochus exposes the systematic doping practices of himself, Roger Federer, Stanislaw Wawrinka and sundry in the past Grand Slams. Along with it comes some unexpected chills. There is the shocking revelation about aspects such as Federer selling FederBears to raise money for doping (see more here), married man and father Federer going out to strip bars for years with his cocaine indulging friends, how team helpers got rid of blood bags with fresh EPO for Fed by flushing them down the toilet, how doctors "prepared" Roger for his roboticly juiced and boring performances, so and so forth.
You may accuse me of acting on sound bites but I'm no fool when it comes to "blindly taking faith" when reality is fraud, whatever the business maybe. People have lost dignity and their self respect in the quest for money and glory, be that in tennis, soccer, baseball or the corporate business world.
Sometimes I wonder, is it truly a Western phenomena that shady individuals get to write books about their "great victories" or do reality shows on television, and then stand to make unimaginable sums of money by defrauding people? When in trouble, they are able to hire expensive lawyers who are experts by training at poking holes in stories to help their disgraceful clients get away. To cushion against a fall from grace at any time, among their insurance policies are forming relationships with big political names, giving generously to charity and using social media to deliver propaganda.
The die-hard Fedtards who sit blindly and accept such behavior are arguably immoral themselves or plainly unable to exercise their own brains. Their excuses for continuing to support this idiot is : "there is no proof", "this is hearsay", "he's inspiring", "he's done so much for this cause" and so on. Sadly, common sense is rare and that has been a constant since the Neanderthal man.
A great person once said that history is written by the victor. The one who is smart and cunning, who wins and has the money, who is extremely powerful and has a throng of followers around them, who can literally decide your fate if you turn your back on them...these are the people who have the muscle to bend a true story to their liking and ultimately to their advantage.
It's all too easy to be star-struck watching the hundreds of video clips of Roger Federer on Youtube. Its easy to buy a bunch of cheap merchandise dreamed up by him and his lieutenants and believe what he invariably asks you to slurp in. And it's easier conforming with the religious fanatical cult Fedtard fan following based around him and his "brand" and do exactly what they're all doing.
But it's difficult to go out against the tide and exercise some independent critical thinking skills to challenge the root of the system. We're often times lazy to explore or plainly just narrow minded to accept the other half of the story. When we believe in something, we fix it in our world view and build castles around it to protect it. But if castles are built on loose foundation, like the story of the man who built his house on mud, it will topple sooner or later. When it crashes down, that will be a mind-blowing experience. Fedtards are starting to wake up to a nightmare.....Roger Federer has been the biggest doping fraud in Tennis History.
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